Friday, March 26, 2010

long live the postal service

I love the Post Office. I love the Post Office almost as much as I love airports. There's excitement to be found in being surrounded by packages that will, in 2-7 days, arrive at completely new, and foreign destination.

Boxes of donated clothes can start small town Idaho and make their way to a village in Africa...or, after browsing Ebay and Etsy for that perfect something to go with your other perfect something, that something arrives at your home to fulfill it's perfect purpose- all thanks to The Postal Service.

People usually complain about the lines at the Post Office, and, in turn, have started conducting their postage needs online. This is easier- yes. This is more convenient- yes. I understand waiting in a line if you're on your 30 minute lunch break, or have 2 kids pulling at your pant legs can be frustrating and inconvenient; but, you miss out on seeing people wrapping up last-minute belated birthday presents for their friends and care packages for their husbands in Iraq. You miss out on the comedy that is watching anyone try and use that roll of postal tape (that stuff is so dang sticky!)

Each letter and package represents a story.

Sometimes, it's an unfortunate story in the form of a bill or a "my sympathies" card.

Sometimes it's a good story in the form of a "Hey, I miss you" letter, or a "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!" or "It's a BOY!" package.

The letters and packages are assembled, postage paid, and off they go, traveling, maybe, to places we've never even visited ourselves. I overheard an elderly man speaking with the postage machine attendant at our Post Office, asking details on how to go about sending a huge slew of boxes to Nigeria. Something told me this man had never once been to Nigeria- but, his boxes were going there! How exiting!

I bring all of this up to say my week was a little brighter this week, with thanks to The Postal Service and Ted's mom, DeLane. She sent us a thoughtful little surprise. Ted received a big fat bar of Dark Chocolate from Trader Joe's, and I received these adorable Nick & Nora Sock Monkey slippers to shield my feet from our cold concrete floors. They've been keeping me company while Ted has been working unbearably long hours this week. Thanks, DeLane!

So my friends, here's to stamps, waiting in line, mail trucks, dark chocolate, and or course- Sock Monkeys. Life will always be better with Sock Monkeys.

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